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Join our team and


The Gulyas Festival is a great opportunity for individuals to volunteer! Being a fundraising charity event, we come together as a team and do our best to make the festival fun for everyone - patrons and volunteers alike. And just like any great team in the history, we highly depend on team members and their interactions with each other as well as festival-goers. If you’re ready to be part of our team, please fill out the form and we will get in touch with you regarding current volunteer opportunities.


Volunteers must work an entire shift, show up in a timely fashion, be polite and ready to help, and have a positive attitude. Keep in mind that the rest of us are doing this for free, too. Each volunteer will receive a wristband and t-shirt (optional) which will grant them access to free food samples and beverages (hard liquor excluded). Schedules will be announced during the festival week.


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