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Cook-off rules

Anybody can participate at the contest. Registration can be done individually or as a team; a maximum of two persons are allowed to cook in the team, any other members are considered helpers.


1. All fires must be from wood.


2. During the cookout the contestants have to provide all materials, ingredients, tools (caldron, knifes, table…) needed to prepare the gulyas for the contest. NUCC will provide the firewood.


3. All contestants are required to prepare at least 5 gallons of gulyas.


4. If you are able to get a fire extinguisher please bring it with you to the event


5. Before starting the fires up every contestant is going to get an apron with the “Chicago Hungarian Gulyás Festival” logo. (1 per team).


6. The official “Fire Start-up” is going to be at 11:00 a.m.


7. The amount of food cooked is to be specified on the registration form by each team.


8. The jury is going to start deliberation at 3:00 p.m. *** No exceptions***


9. The guests can start savoring the food from any team at 3:30 p.m. At the same time the guests can cast their votes for the popular prize until 5 p.m.


10. The bread, side dish and cutlery needed are going to be provided by the organizers.


11. Serving the guests will be done by the contestants. Selling the food for cash by the contestants will not be allowed.


12. For the fairness of the contest if anyone knowingly tampers any other contestant’s gulyas or breaks any other rule above mentioned is going to be disqualified from the contest.


13. The jury is going to present the awards at 5:00 p.m.


14. The first, second and respectively third placed contestant/team will get a prize of $100, $75 and $50, plus a certificate of merit.


15. According to the popular vote we will award the golden, silver and bronze spoon at 6:00 p.m.


16. Commercial advertising possibilities are available, please contact us at 773-301-4729.


17. Participants to the contest will get free two-day passes to the event.


18. We accept the participation of a maximum of 15 teams.


19. The availability to participate as well as the assignment of fireplaces is going to be on a first come first serve basis.



© Gulyás Festival 2017

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